Friday, December 01, 2006


On November 30, 2006 we hosted another event to raise awareness and funds regarding the plight of thousands of ill first responders as a result of 9/11/01. This was our third event on campus this semester, but rather than people being sick of seeing us, they came out in numbers larger than the first two events! This is amazing on two fronts, not only have these students continue to show up to learn and support our cause, but beint that SJU is a heavy science school - most of these young people are the physicians, PAs, Med Techs and Pharmacists of the future.

We would like to compliment our staff for whom whithout we would be able to get exactly zero done.

We would like to thank Idil Kirmica for not setting a new standard in "customer relations" by being able to convey our message to the most amount of people in the fewest words, AND for getting the SJU radio station to make an announcement about our event.

We would also like to recognize 3 new people who helped us for this event: Nilam Wadhvania, who has been working with us in the Public Relations Dept and Aliza Moorji and Cindy Jairam - who both gave up a day to come and volunteer getting the word out. Thank you ladies!

We also recognized the winners of the "How Much Do You Love NY" contest: Rachelle Ocampo and Leena Thomas who were presented with the Iloveny gift pack that included signed posters from the Ground Zero Museum Workshop, a very generous donation by Gary Marlon Suson. Thank you Gary.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Winners of This Season's Contest

Leena Thomas and Rachelle Ocampo
Location: Kew Gardens Subway station

Kew Gardens Subway Station was our location choice. We picked this location is because as college students attending St. Johns University, this subway station is our link to Manhattan. It bridges every culture enhancing our college experience. Not only that, but as freshmen embarking on our new collage path, Kew Gardens was where we both initially met. We randomly stumbled into each other in conversation and realized our commonality of SJU. This station, along with others in New York City, links individuals of different cultures and religions under one common ground.

The winners will receive the Artists4Hope prize pack during this week's event. Artists4Hope would like to thank everyone for their contributions and hope that this contest is only the beginning.