Thank You Saint Johns University!
On Monday September 11th, 2006, while most of the country was spending time in quiet reflection of 9/11/01, some very special students of St Johns University in Queens took it upon themselves to help our cause. The day was a huge success due to the participation student body, faculty and staff of SJU. First, Artists4Hope would like to extend our thanks to Elsie Wong and Marcus Cheung of the Chinese Cultural Association, whom without their help, this event would not have been possible. Several students helped with promoting the event and made sure that other students were made aware of our goals. Thanks go out to: James Pormentilla, Leena Thomas, Rachelle Ocampo, Yoosup Shim, Grace Yeon and Rachel Yuen. Special thanks to Idil Kirmica for promoting the event on such short notice and personally making this cause known to all.
Thanks to our staff who set up and managed this event on short notice. Our Director of Operations, Wilson Tam, a brother of Lambda Phi Epsilon Alpha Delta Chapter - SJU. Thank you for making sure the event went as smooth as it did. Thanks as well go to Jones Chan, Public Relations for setting the whole ball in motion and making all the contacts, without that this wouldnt have happened.

Thanks to our staff who set up and managed this event on short notice. Our Director of Operations, Wilson Tam, a brother of Lambda Phi Epsilon Alpha Delta Chapter - SJU. Thank you for making sure the event went as smooth as it did. Thanks as well go to Jones Chan, Public Relations for setting the whole ball in motion and making all the contacts, without that this wouldnt have happened.