Thursday, May 04, 2006

My father was never sick. He worked hard everyday to raise his family and did the best he could. At the age of 65 my father retired and was looking forward to moving to the Jersey shore, living out his golden years and meeting his grandchildren someday. This was not to be. Suddenly, my father developed chest pains and shortness of breath. We later discovered he had an incurable cancer called mesothelioma, caused by asbestos exposure 30 years prior. In only six months my father was gone.

On September 11, 2001 400 tons of deadly asbestos was released into the air at the WTC. I was so moved by the events of the day, that I was inspired to update the "I Love New York" symbol and am creating a new venture for charities, called It is my intention to use all net profits from the sale of the symbol on tee shirt, as well as other merchandise to help find a cure to my fathers killer.

After extensive research, I have concluded that the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF) is the right charity for this "I Love New York" symbol. I know that the fallout from September 11th is not over. The rescue workers and people at ground zero who were exposed to airborne asbestos can develop mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer many years from now. I know this all too well, I think about my father’s tragic death everyday. It is my motivation.

Please help find a cure before it’s too late. Every dollar donated will bring us closer to a cure.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Saturday in SoHo

This saturday we staked out a position in SoHo to launch our fundraising efforts. Considering the site had great foot traffic, we were really unsuccessful in catching much of an audience. This was definitely the wrong venue to set up at. Case in point: There was a man who argued that the campaign was really for frivalous lawsuits against the city. When asked to clarify himself, he replied that all this 9-11 sickness is "upper level bullshit." This indicative of what we have to overcome in order to create an awareness. If you know of any other places that would draw more attention in the NYC area, please contact us

If you or someone you know, had their health adversely affected, we would like to collect accounts of how your health has changed because of 9-11. If you cant post on this site - email your stories to us and we will post them for you with as much or as little personel information as you wish.

iloveny staff


Welcome to the Artists4Hope's Ilovenewyork Campaign website. Here you will learn more about our cause and the fight against mesothelioma caused by the asbestos exposure on 9-11 in New York City.

iloveny staff